768 Church of the Horned Goddess

This adventuring supplement is designed for D&D5e. On out Patreon page you can get it in PDF format (see image). The downloads include hi-res images for the maps. And there is a variant PDF version designed for Shadowdark RPG.

There she lies, the mother of the earth and bearer of all that grows and thrives. Her horns are fashioned from common metals. She is our mother…

Ode to the Horned Goddess

The Horned Goddess was the main figure of worship during the goblinoid epoch of Kithu­lat. Only one church can exist, the one with the true headpiece of the Horned Goddess. Other sites of worship are called chapels and are al­lowed to represent the Horned Goddess as a headless ef­figy. In the present realm of Ghin Faradum, Faradak and Topaz Beach feature a chapel each. Miara, the priest­ess in the latter settlement has requested permission to bring the headpiece to ascend their site of worship and become the beacon of goblinoid faith; Lady Mirabel Sil­verstream, the regent, agreed. She thinks the re-funding of this church may sway Raddak’s goblins to refrain from attacking the town. Little is known about Raddak’s reli­gious tendencies, though. But if the goblin rebel wants to earn his kindred’s loyalty, a good place to start is by re­specting the goblins’ belief in the Horned Goddess.

Deserted for Centuries

After the realm of Kithulat fell and the goblin crown was stolen by King Davek, the goblin priests of the Church of the Horned Goddess closed off the underground compound and activated numerous traps to keep the Horned Goddess headpiece protected. Since then, the few fools that have tried to retrieve it have perished trying. The church’s area, once surrounded by a goblin city, has been retaken by nature. A forest of fungal trees is what remains, but careful observers notice the evidence of the past goblin civilization (DC 13 Perception).

Adventure Hook

Collectors. Two factions in Topaz Beach covet the Horned Goddess’ headpiece: Miara, who presides over the goblin chapel (300 gp), and the curator of the Dav­ek Museum, Vikku (800 gp). The wealthy collector offers considerably more money but the museum’s possession of the headpiece might cause a revolt. Aiding the Chap­el of the Horned Goddess shall help the characters be in good standing with the rebel goblins.

Level 4 Dungeon

  • Danger. Risky. Check for a Random Event every 20 minutes and after loud noises (4-in-6 chance).
  • Light. Most areas have fire, lava, or braziers with per­manent light spells. All denizens have darkvision.
  • Lava. Molten stone flows through narrow canals across the dungeon. Its viscosity is low; it flows like heat­ed tallow. Direct contact with the lava deals 4d6 damage. Full submersion in the molten rock means death.
1 Four dwarf scavengers (thugs) follow the heroes into the dungeon (DC 12 Perception to notice them). They plan an ambush.
2 A hidden pressure plate triggers a spear trap. A random hero takes 1d10 unless they jump aside (DC 14 Dexterity save).
3 The spirits of four goblin clerics (specters) coalesce by the ceiling and drop on the characters to defend the church.
4 A vivid vision appears before the party: Goblin priests polish the headpiece in the Altar Chamber before activating all manner of traps and devices on their way out. After this event, no one has managed to enter the Altar Chamber for centuries (area 9).
5 A centipede swarm burst through a broken floor tile. Their attacks prioritize targets already paralyzed with their poison.
6 The lava overflows and a 20-foot-wide puddle forms by the nearest canal. It overflows fast enough that characters in the area have to move fast to avoid contact with the molten rock. The puddle hardens and then crumbles into dust after 1 day.

1. Church Entrance

An opening in the forest, covered by fungal moss and de­bris, leads down a staircase that arrives here.

A collection of trinkets and coins lies at the center of a shallow basin. Alternating flashes of flames can be seen in the chamber beyond the iron container.

  • The Basin. Runes on its top read in Goblin: “Leave an offering to the Horned Goddess to pay respect. Heed this call or be alone for your pain and woes.” The are close to thirty objects in the basin, some are fashioned from gold and silver. Leaving something of monetary (at least 10 gp) or personal value grants inspiration.
  • Disrespect. Stealing the objects in the basin causes the two standing sarcophagi to open; two goblin guard­ians (wights) emerge from them to attack. They reform at dawn and pursue the thieves to any location in the Ma­terial Plane. The items stored in the basin are mostly pieces of jewelry worth 300 gp collectively.

2. Room of Separation

Five clockwork devices spurt jets of fire in a percus­sive but unpredictable rhythm. Each fire burst is 10 feet long and produces an intolerable amount of heat.

The purpose of this chamber is to separate the party. As they enter the chamber and try to gauge the flame jets’ rhythm, the party is sure to spread around the room, looking for safe spots to stand. When the characters are spread around the room, the flame engines turn off and two sets of adamantine portcullises drop (see map). The portcullises split the room into three sections. The characters in each section can only continue through the three narrow hallways that lead to areas 3, 4, and 5.

  • Flame Jets. Moving here requires speed and preci­sion (DC 15 Dexterity save). Failure deals 3d8 damage.
  • Iron Bars. The bars that block the west hallways can be lifted or bent (DC 13 Athletics). They are rusted and debilitated by the constant changes in temperature.

3. North Trial Chamber

A narrow canal fills two lava ponds that split the room. Two gilded vases on plinths lie on either side of the room. The merciless heat is barely tolerable.

Characters forced to take this path must find a way to bridge the gaps caused by the two lava ponds. The 10- foot-wide ponds can be jumped over (DC 13 Athletics). The room features four pillars which can be used in con­junction with ropes and hooks to climb over the ponds.

  • The Vases. The containers are filled with water. Pour­ing the contents of a vase into the lava causes a section of the molten rock to cool down and become a platform the characters can step on to cross (DC 12 Intelligence).

4. Middle Trial Chamber

A large, circular lava pond dominates the east side of this room. Sharp axe heads attached to clockwork devices rotate fast by the walls; they spell death.

Characters forced to come here are faced with a terrible challenge to prove their combat prowess.

  • Guardians. Two imp devils emerge from the lava pond. They put targets to sleep with their Poison and then try to pull them toward the lava or the traps.
  • Rotating Axes. The gyrating devices deal 3d6 dam­age (DC 14 Dexterity / half). A hidden panel (DC 12 Per­ception) by the east wall can be sabotaged to turn the deadly apparatuses off (DC 13 Thieves’ Tools).

5. South Trial Chamber

A lava canal feeds into a clockwork machine that pumps the molten rock into pipes. The floor is cov­ered with a patchwork of decorated stone tiles.

  • Danger Zone. Each stone tile in the marked area (see map), contains a small nozzle (DC 12 Perception) that shoots molten rock into the air. When characters enter this chamber, the nozzles start spurting lava in a random pattern. Crossing the danger zone requires speed and courage (DC 16 Dexterity). A character can study the pattern to trace a safe path through (DC 14 Intelligence).
  • The Machine. The device has 10 HP but can only be damaged by magic. When dropped to 0 HP, it is disabled.

6. Trap for the Greedy

A chest stands between the exhausts of two fire engines. The fire bursts are not long enough to reach the chest, which can be interacted with safely for the moment. Alas, the chest and the clay vases around it are empty.

  • Fire Jet Trap. Touching the chest triggers the trap and causes the two engines to increase their potency. The fire jets double their size. Creatures standing before the chest are hit by the fire (5d6, DC 13 Dexterity / half).

7. The Church Gate

Intricately carved bas-reliefs on the double doors tell the story of the Horned Goddess, the deity of earth and soil. Goblins are portrayed kneeling before her.

The double doors feature a high-quality lock; the key to it has been lost after centuries. A thief can bypass it (DC 18 Thieves’ Tools). Spades, shovels, and pickaxes can be used to destroy the lock and its surrounding area to open the gate. This takes 20 minutes and is noisy.

  • Hidden Lore. Scholars who inspect the reliefs learn that the Horned Goddess headpiece can reinvigorate this ancient faith once it is moved to the chapel in Topaz Beach (DC 14 Religion). But retrieving the relic shall not be easy, it is protected by timeless guardians.
  • Hidden Door. Pushing two odd bricks by the east wall simultaneously causes a section of the wall to swing inward and reveal a narrow passage to area 8.

8. Secret Vault

The chamber contains a bookcase packed to the brim with ancient scrolls and two stone chests.

  • Scrolls. Unique documents of the Horned Goddess’ religion are found here. The general lore of this deity and the rules for chapels and churches are neatly explained.
  • treasure. The scrolls can be sold to Miara in Topaz Beach for 300 gp. The chests contain 1,200 gp, 860 sp, two potions of healing, and a cube of force.

9. Church of the Horned Goddess

Flanked by lava canals, the effigy of the Horned God­dess overlooks the room from afar. The headpiece bears a gilded crown fashioned like elk horns. Four greataxes lie on stone plinths in shallow alcoves.

The outcome in this chamber depends on the characters’ intentions for coming here. Their ultimate goals cannot be hidden from the sacred Horned Goddess.

  • Thieves. If the characters wish to sell the headpiece for profit, four goblin guardians (wights) materialize by each alcove and grab the ornate greataxes to fight. After destroying them, the characters can take the headpiece.
  • Goblin Friends. If the characters wish to restore the relic to the chapel in Topaz Beach, an arcane voice beck­ons them to meditate before the Horned Goddess’ effigy. After, an ethereal apparition beckons them to take the headpiece and bring it back to Priestess Miara. The god­dess’ presence thanks them for their valiant service and bestows upon the characters the Blessing of the Horned Goddess. This boon gives the characters advantage on all checks made to uphold the faith of this deity and when fighting the enemies of goblin clans in Ghin Faradum. It lasts as long as the characters side with the goblins.

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