769 King Davek’s Mausoleum

This adventuring supplement is designed for D&D5e. On out Patreon page you can get it in PDF format (see image). The downloads include hi-res images for the maps. And there is a variant PDF version designed for Shadowdark RPG.

Here rests King Davek, Ghin Faradum’s sentinel, whose legacy endures in stone and gold. His wisdom guides the worthy, and his guardians defend the sacred.

Tomb Inscription

Deep within the labyrinthine tunnels of a cen­tury-old dwarven ore mine lies King Davek’s Mausoleum, a hidden gem of Ghin Farad­um’s rich history. King Davek, a stalwart ruler during the tumultuous Hundred-Year War, commanded both reverence and fear. The journey to the mausoleum is perilous, full of twisting passages and forgotten shafts that test the mettle of any who dare to venture forth.

The mausoleum is a testament to the grandeur and ingenuity of dwarvish architecture. Illuminated by en­chanted, crystal sconces, this majestic space is support­ed by the eight Columns of Wisdom, each etched with runes that tell the dwarves’ lore. The mausoleum is not only a resting place for King Davek but also houses the remains of numerous dwarf warriors and miners, heroes who earned their place in this hallowed ground through valor and unyielding labor during the Hundred-Year War.

A Kingly Treasure

At the heart of the mausoleum, behind a massive gate adorned with intricate patterns and protective glyphs, lie the remains of King Davek. It symbolizes the king’s en­during legacy and the unbreakable spirit of the dwarves. Beyond this threshold, the king’s sarcophagus is sur­rounded by treasures and relics of his time, all of it evi­dence of his leadership and the sacrifices of his people. Only a fool would tempt their luck by coming here and risking the king’s wrath. For it is said that dwarves’ greed and pride can overcome the barriers of life and death.

Adventure Hook

  • Spelunkers. The heroes cannot leave Ghin Fardaum without exploring this place. The rumors about the great treasure kept in here are too tempting.
  • The Crown. There are rumors about the royal crown in Faradak being of goblin craftsmanship. Lady Mirabel, Topaz Beach’s ruler believes that King Davek’s journal is the best way to know the truth (500 gp).

Level 3 Dungeon

  • Danger. Unsafe. Check for a Random Event every 30 minutes or after loud noises (4-in-6 chance).
  • Light. Large braziers and crystal sconces burn with everlasting fire. All the dungeon is lit except for the se­cret vault (area 6). Denizens within have darkvision.
  • Dwarvish Blessing. Characters of dwarvish ances­try benefit from a magical boon. The more-than-a-hun­dred dwarf souls in here strengthen their kin. This effect awards them advantage on all checks.
 RANDOM EVENT d6 Details
1 A hidden pressure plate triggers a swinging blade trap. A random hero takes 1d10 unless they jump aside (DC 13 DEX check).
2 A group of four darkmantles descend from the darkness and attack the heroes. They flee when reduced to half their HP.
3 The spirits of fallen miners rise. A hundred souls fly and form a whirlwind of light and feelings that traverse the dungeon at high speed. The heroes must get off their way (DC 12 Dexterity). If the tornado of souls hits them, they lose any inspiration.
4 A group of four giant bats, disturbed by the heroes’ presence, swarms aggressively, filling the air with chaos and confusion.
5 The heroes enter a new area and disturb a swarm of spiders. The arachnids flee when reduced to half their Hit Points.
6 A magical anomaly causes the runes on the Columns of Wisdom (area 2) to glow, projecting illusions of past battles. If the char­acters pay attention (DC 12 Intelligence), they discern a goblin ruler wearing the royal crown many centuries ago.

The Fake Journal

This copy of the king’s journal contains modified facts and changed information. It claims the crown is of Dwarvish origin, that the war barely had any dwarven losses, and it explains how the goblins were the ones who asked to be servants. A dwarf scholar who knows Ghin Faradum’s history knows this information is not accurate (DC 16 History). Characters of non-dwarf ancestries may know this too (DC 18 History). The real king’s journal contains the unedited truth (see area 6).

1. Mausoleum’s Entrance

The entrance looms grandly, flanked by colossal stat­ues of dwarf warriors. An iron arch, inscribed with intricate Dwarven runes, guards an antechamber with a steep staircase carved into the living rock.

  • Arrival. When living creatures cross the threshold and walk toward the stairs, an ancient incantation trig­gers; a deep, calm voice says in Dwarvish:

“You are warriors, not peasants. This is true since reaching this place is no easy task. You are welcome to admire the place, pray, and study our history. You may even test your strength and see if you are worthy of Dwarvish treasure. Nevertheless, any transgres­sion, disrespect, or defilement of this sacred, regal tomb shall be met with the mightiest of wraths”.

  • Treasure. A hidden button causes a section of the wall to slide aside and reveal a room (DC 15 Percep­tion). Two chests contain luxury linens, exotic fragranc­es, spices, and a set of ivory figurines (450 gp for it all). A high-quality replica of Davek’s journal lies on the table.

2. Main Hall

The great hall opens. The eight Columns of Wisdom are accompanied by a row of carved stone arches. The gate to King Davek’s tomb lies at the end.

  • Archways. Five intricately sculpted arches, each adorned with glowing runes and carved dwarf visages, create a majestic corridor leading towards the king’s resting place. The runes, shimmering faintly, enunciate the most sacred of the Dwarvish culture’s core values.
  • Elevators. Flanking the central path, two magical el­evators stand as engineering marvels, their platforms ascending and descending with a deep, resonant hum. Each elevator takes 1 minute to move between levels. Up to five creatures can use either of them at a time. The magical word to activate them is ‘fagark’. The only way for the heroes to learn this word is by spending time reading the documents in either area 4 (see map).
  • Columns. These eight pillars are called the Col­umns of Wisdom. They support the upper level of the great dwarven hall. If the heroes pay close attention to the runes and inscriptions in the hall, they may iden­tify a Dwarvish prayer and religious rite explained in them (DC 13 Religion, a character of Dwarvish ances­try makes this check with advantage). The rite entails walking through the thresholds and reciting a Dwarvish poem. Doing so appeases the spirits; the guardians stay dormant (see below). This pacifism lasts for 1 day and also unlocks the gate to the king’s tomb (area 6).
  • Guardians. Eight standing sarcophagi, their surfaces chiseled like dwarven pilgrims, lean on the walls. Four uncarved sarcophagi, belonging to the king’s guard, rest next to the tomb’s gate. If the heroes attempt to bypass the gate to the king’s tomb (area 6), one wight, three zombies, and eight skeletons come out of their enclo­sures. They protect the tomb at all costs.

3. Second Level

  • Anvil. Dwarves can meditate while touching the anvil for 10 minutes. This grants them inspiration.
  • Crystal Ball. Characters of Dwarvish ancestry can use this artifact once. They may gaze into the crystal and benefit from a scrying The vision lasts 30 seconds, with no saves or checks needed. After this, it shuts down. It is pointless to try to activate the crystal ball again.
  • Altar. The heroes may leave something of value to gain a luck token. Likewise, they could remove an item from the altar (50 gp, 1 XP). If they do this, two shadows appear to chastise the disrespectful visitors.
  • Font. The presence of a dwarf causes the gate to open. Otherwise, it is locked (DC 14 Thieves’ Tools). This wa­ter has magical properties. But its wonders only work on dwarves. A dwarf can drink from the font to regain all Hit Points and recover from a single disease or affliction. The same individual cannot benefit from the font twice. Any bottled water disappears beyond the gate.

4. Antechambers

If the characters inspect this area for 10 minutes, they learn the religious ritual to keep the guardians dormant if they fail to discern it before in area 2. They also learn the word ‘fagark’, which can activate the elevators.

5. The Hundred Miners

These doors are locked (DC 13 Thieves’ Tools). The ash­es of fifty miners are interred in each chamber. These columbariums have never been opened. Two skeletons and one shadow emerge from either area if disturbed.

6. King Davek’s Sarcophagus

The religious ritual that appeases the guardians in area 3 also unlocks the king’s tomb. Otherwise, only a skilled thief may crack the lock (DC 16 Thieves’ Tools). This causes the guardians to act (see area 2). Once inside, a spectral figure of King Davek manifests, his ghostly vis­age stern and commanding. The dead king says:

“Touch not the treasure before you, for it is bound to the honor and memory of my reign. Only the journal, the chronicle of my deeds, may leave this hallowed ground. Violate this decree, and face my wrath.”

  • Mission. The heroes respect the king’s words and only take the journal. It is the one Lady Mirabel wants, and not the copy with mixed-up facts. The crown, it re­veals, is indeed a relic of goblinoid craftsmanship.
  • Thieves. The heroes take the risk and attempt to pil­lage the treasure. A wraith coalesces from the shadows to attack. All the undead enemies mentioned in area 2 and area 4, if any remain, come to stop the transgres­sors. The defilers must be removed at all costs.

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