711 Dream of Molten Rocks – Lv5 Shadowdark Adventure

Those deemed unworthy shall be cleansed by fire and removed from this world. Their souls will be reduced to fiery whispers, embers from a forgotten ritual.

Eroded Inscription in Elvish

It does not occur often, but sometimes, in a dramatic turn of events, the common folk wit­ness legendary events or artifacts from up close. This can be the result of mere luck, bad fortune, or simply by being at the right place, at the right time. Or the wrong of both, for all that matters…

The Molten Rocks

Harold Bruyne is an example of this. His home is located on the outskirts of Garrington, close to several smaller settlements and thorps. Harold is a writer. He makes a living writing messages, letters, and scrolls for the many illiterate folk that live around him. He also teaches how to read and write to those who wish to learn.

Two weeks ago, Harold had the strangest of dreams. He saw a flaming sword, floating before him. The blade swung left and right, cutting through massive rocks like a hot knife through butter. The molten rocks fell next to Harold, and he woke up sweating, feeling the heat.

The next day, the water from his well was warm to the touch, and it held a faint crimson hue, undrinkable. The dreams became more vivid with each subsequent night.

Flying Too Close to the Sun

Harold always dreamed of writing novels but lacked the talent to create a good story. In his mind, the dreams are a call of destiny. He ignores what the sword, the fire, or the water means. The only thing the growing-mad writer knows for certain is that he wants to know. His curiosity is killing him. He must climb down the well.

Adventure Hooks

  • The Crazy Writer. The heroes traverse the country’s land looking for employment or simply make the trip from one place to another when they stumble upon a cra­zy-looking man. In this case, the deranged writer accom­panies the heroes into the dungeon from area (0 XP).
  • The Dream. One of the characters has the same dreams as Harold. After too many nights of the same visions, an unseen force draws the heroes to Harold’s home. In this case, the writer has already gone down the well alone. The heroes may find him in area 7 (0 XP).

Flaming Tongue

A powerful artifact from the ancient elvish-demonic wars. These territories were about to be lost to the enemy. The elves knew they were all going to be killed or captured. And so, the elves used all their remaining magic to create an impossible-to-break dungeon before their imminent demise. They surrounded their fabled sword with lava, traps, and immortal guardians, hoping that it would be enough to keep the blade from enemy hands. They succeeded for hundreds of years. But the sword yearns for a new owner, and so it calls one forth.

Level 5 Adventure

  • Danger. Risky. Check for a Random Event every 2 crawling rounds and after loud noises (3-in-6 chance).
  • Light. The lava glows a little but not enough to illumi­nate. All areas are dark. The denizens are dark-adapted.
1 (Outside the dungeon) The characters were followed. A group of four bandits wants to rob them of their valuable possessions.
2 (Outside the dungeon) A squad of six elves come to this area following the tales and legends of the sword created by their ances­tors. They are unsure about the messy writer, if present, and about the heroes as well (Reaction check).
3 (Inside the dungeon) The heroes see a chest before them. Any interaction with it reveals it is a mimic!
4 (Inside the dungeon) The characters’ presence disturbs a swarm of spiders in the chamber. The insects flee at half their HP.
5 (Inside the dungeon) Two animated armors adorn the walls of a room. They attack the nearest intruder when they approach.
6 (Inside the dungeon) The characters see the ghost of an elf appear before them. The spirit speaks with a sad voice: “Leave, the power of the Flaming Tongue is not worth the enemies you’ll make or the dangers you’ll face”. It disappears after speaking thus.

1. Country Road

The characters may meet Harold Bruyne here (see Ad­venture Hooks). The writer looks like he has not slept in days: his hair is messy, and he seems paranoid. In case he is not present, the heroes find the home empty.

  • Harold. Despite his looks, the man remains lucid. He tells the characters about his dream and asks them to accompany him down the well. They are free to believe him or not. Harold shall make the descent alone if they ignore his request. Similarly, he follows them if they ac­cept to go down there but refuse his company.

2. Harold’s Home

Half-finished documents, torn papers, dried pots of ink, and smelly leftovers lie all around. The place is a strange combination of lived-in furniture with forgotten objects and stuff. If the heroes search the place, they find 10 gp and one silver dagger. The characters can explore this area unimpeded only if Harold is not present, though.

3. Harold’s Room

Quills and parchments adorn a weathered wooden desk, illuminated by the flickering glow of a solitary candle. The air carries the scent of aging manuscripts. Harold asks the heroes to leave his belongings alone, if present.

  • Treasure (3 XP). If the characters search the area, they find a leather bag with 30 gp, and a plethora of blank scrolls, parchments, and good quality inks (20 gp for all).

4. The Well

A yawning well, its stone walls moss-covered and worn. The circular opening spans seven feet across, its echo­ing abyss veiled in shadows. The party takes 1 crawling round to make the descent and reach area 5.

5. Dungeon’s Landing

This pond of magical water replenishes itself at dawn. This used to be Harold’s water supply but the liquid is warm and it smells of sulfur. If someone takes a sip, it tastes bad and drinkers take 1 damage (DC 13 CON).

6. Arcane Barriers

Magic glyphs dance on the walls, weaving an invisible tapestry of protection. The arcane barriers hum soft­ly. Standing on the gray diamond-shaped button on the floor deactivates the barriers between areas 5 and 6.

  • Barriers. A dispel magic spell removes one of the in­visible walls for 1 hour. This allows for any number of creatures to go through. Two barriers must be dispelled for the first diamond button to be reached (see map).
  • The Chosen One. The person having dreams about the sword (see Adventure Hooks) is immune. They can walk through the barriers as if they were not there. Har­old Bruyne happily volunteers if he is present.

7. Elvish Relics

The central magic circle, the vases, and the runes on the walls are all evidence of Elvish culture. The heroes can spend 1 crawling round reading the documents here to learn the story of this place and the Flaming Tongue.

The two diamond-shaped buttons in this area cause the other two arcane barriers in area 6 to disappear. Har­old’s corpse is here if he entered the dungeon alone.

  • Shadows. Each vase is worth 15 gp but touch­ing any of them summons the anger of six shadows.
  • Treasure (8 XP). Observant heroes spot the secret corridor behind the northern vase (DC 15 WIS). The vault contains 385 gp, 2,541 sp, and a silver longsword.

8. Lava Engines

Only the most skilled of thieves could break into this area (DC 19 DEX). On a fail, the heroes take three crawl­ing rounds to either open or disable the door.

  • Lava. A dispel magic spell makes the engines stop for 1 crawling round, causing the lava below to become sol­id and tempered. They deal 1d8 damage if destroyed (10 HP). Their magic restores them in 1 crawling round.

9. The Sword’s Chamber

  • Flaming Tongue. Four flaming wights protect the magic sword when intruders approach. Do the charac­ters have what it takes to retrieve it? Or will they burn in lava? Do they have the power to wield the sword? Or will they become puppets of this Elvish artifact? The answers to these questions are adventures for another day…

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