Dust in the Wind – Level 10 Adventure

Dust in the Wind


We have recently released this long-format adventure that features our three most recent maps. This is a showcase of what the adventure includes. If you are interested in this product, here are some options for you:

  1. Join our Patreon page, we post stuff like this all the time

  2. Purchase it directly from drivethruRPG here

In Dust in the Wind, a group of level-10 adventurers learns about a recent series of murders in the Crimson Sea desert. There, an oasis called Greenrock Village is on the brink of collapse. It depends on the many travelers and visitors from the many nearby communities. But the news of the people killed in the desert has scared everyone off…

The locals call it the Sand Rider of Death. A huge formation of sand that thrusts its victims with a spear and turns them into fine grains of sand. No one knows who is behind these crimes. The locals ignore the existence of the Ashen Witch, a desert hag. The evil fiend has the sole and only purpose of creating clay servitors with the people she has murdered.
She desires an army to take over the whole Crimson Sea…

Explore fantasy worlds and immersive adventures!

Product Includes

  • Adventure PDF and EPUB
  • Printer-Friendly B/W PDF
  • Separate Hi-Res and Roll20 Maps

Here are some close shots of the adventure PDF spreads:

2 thoughts on “Dust in the Wind – Level 10 Adventure

  • Bernard Lockhart-Gilroy

    October 31, 2021 at 6:05 pm Reply

    there are three options for you:

    1. Join our Patreon page, we post stuff like this all the time
    2. Purchase it directly from drivethruRPG here


    :). Same problematic text on several other pages.

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