Die With Your Boots On! – Level 6 Adventure

Die With Your Boots On!


We have recently released this long-format adventure that features our three most recent maps. This is a showcase of what the adventure includes. If you are interested in this product, here are some options for you:

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In Die With Your Boots On, a group of level-6 approach a tavern by the road only to learn that an orc horde approaches because they want to kidnap Princess Melda. The princess hides in Bloodpeak Castle, a fortress in the mountains that is mostly abandoned. It serves as the royals’ summer house a few days a year. The young princess defied her father’s orders, threw a tantrum, and fled alone to the castle; endangering herself and dozens of loyal soldiers. The princess is unsatisfied with the king’s decision over her future wedding suitors.

A seasoned veteran named Sir Galadius is in charge of the defense of both a mountain outpost and Bloodpeak Castle itself. The orc horde is upon them and the veteran knows that reinforcements from the capital won’t arrive quick enough to make a difference. The characters, Sir Galadius, and their small, fifty-strong garrison shall suffice to defend the castle and bring Princess Melda back to the capital.

Explore fantasy worlds and immersive adventures!

Product Includes

  • Adventure PDF and EPUB
  • Printer-Friendly B/W PDF
  • Separate Hi-Res and Roll20 Maps

Here are some close shots of the adventure PDF spreads:

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