Hey, Traveler!
This is the sixth installment of the brochure adventure series. Following the same train of thought of the one-page dungeons, these are system-neutral and easy to adapt to any system. In this adventure, the characters visit a shunned dungeon looking for a relic of great power. Legend has it that a mask made of pink quartz is hidden in this place. Eons ago, it was wielded by an order of mages and priestly warriors, the rumors say that the mask had magical powers but its true nature remains elusive. If the characters retrieve this artifact, it may be a crucial piece in the final battle against the orc invaders that hide in Crooked Teeth Fort.
Get it Here
What’s included:
- PDF files for easy handling. Prints on letter-sized paper
- Individual full-res of each sheet (Letter-size 300 DPI)
- Map variations: labeled, unlabeled (not shown in the brochure)
- Printer-friendly files included (black and white with a few elements in grayscale)
- Roll20 versions of map (16×30 – 140px per square)