Hello, Denizens of the Tower, friends, supporters, and random internet people. This is our 22nd installment of the one-page dungeon series. The objective is to create self-contained adventures/dungeons with all things necessary to spawn fun adventures on a single page.
Not all stories have a happy ending. It is the other way around more often than not, contrary to what fairy tales would have children to believe. The origins of the Prison of Souls can be traced down to these kinds of stories. It all occurred 300 years ago in Noria, the now called ghost-town. No one desires to live there after what happened. The small town of Noria had the misfortune of becoming Ragazar’s target, a powerful necromancer who craved becoming a lich. To achieve this, Ragazar required the souls of many mortals. He deemed Noria the perfect place to perform a befoul arcane ritual.
The heartless necromancer had the wit to inform the town of what he was about to do. Trusting his abilities, Ragazar doubted the poor people of Noria would come up with a solution or even less a contender. Nevertheless, they did. The town produced Sir Justin Lands, a folk hero and paladin who promised to come out victorious and protect the territories and people of Noria…