Hey, Traveler!
This is the eighth installment of the brochure adventure series. Following the same train of thought of the one-page dungeons, these are system-neutral and easy to adapt to any system.
In this adventure, the characters learn of a profitable mining operation that has been stopped after a tragedy occurred. The mine is home to strange arcane-irradiated gemstones that first lured the greedy dwarves into exploring the area. Alas, the strange magical energies caused the baleful polymorphing of three dwarves into a three-headed troll. The monster quickly became a deadly danger to everyone near the mine. Fueled by greed, the overseers now offer a hefty reward to valiant adventurers willing to delve into the mine to get rid of the monster.
Get it Here
What’s included:
- PDF files for easy handling. Prints on letter-sized paper
- Individual full-res of each sheet (Letter-size 300 DPI)
- Map variations: labeled, unlabeled (not shown in the brochure)
- Printer-friendly files included (black and white with a few elements in grayscale)
- Roll20 versions of map (16×30 – 140px per square)
- Additional PDF with 6 fey-themed, system-neutral ritual