This adventuring supplement is designed for D&D5e. On our Patreon page you can get it in PDF format (see image). The downloads include hi-res images for the maps. And there is a variant PDF version designed for Shadowdark RPG.
“How brave of you to come find me in my lair. Alas, it is all for naught; your lives are forfeit. Your deaths shall fuel the awakening of this dormant volcano…”
The Ruby Dragon
After the deadly encounter with the ruby dragon in Wildsor and roaming Leaf Valley in search of information and strength to fight the draconid beast, the characters are ready to confront it in the magma chamber of Northcrest Mountain. The characters and their allies must climb the dormant volcano and find the entrance of a rocky compound that the ruby dragon has claimed as its lair.
The characters are armed with magic weaponry, spells, and their wits. But the most crucial piece of this puzzle might be information. In the Temple of the Dragon God, the characters may have learned that the ruby dragon is an explorer named Eustace under the effects of a nefarious curse. The Draconid Band, which the dragon wears, is the key to helping Eustace. A tricky challenge as the characters must find a way to remove the magic ring from the angry dragon’s claw (see The Cursed Eustace).
Level 4 Dungeon
- Danger. Unsafe. Check for a Random Event every 30 minutes and after loud noises (4-in-6 chance).
- Light. Area 2 is brightly lit by the lava. The rest of the areas are pitch dark. All denizens have darkvision.
- Magic Aura. As the ruby dragon lives longer and takes more lives, the rune circles in area two gain power. The detect magic spell can perceive these auras from up to 500 feet away, even through solid obstacles.
Climbing Northcrest Mountain
The trail northeast of Wildsor leads to uneven terrain and Northcrest Mountain. An hour into the journey, the road is almost indiscernible from the landscape as recent earthquakes have shifted the terrain.
- Climbing. A character must guide his companions through the scabrous mountainside (DC 15 Survival). On a success, the characters reach area 1 without complication after 2 hours of travel. On a failure, the characters take twice as long to reach area 1 and the ruby dragon appears in the sky. The abominate draconid flies by the characters and uses its Fire Breath once. After the attack, the dragon retreats to the mountaintop. The characters shall encounter the dragon again in area 2.
- The Scorpions. The siege weapons used in Wildsor, if they still exist, are not easy to move up the mountain. Mounts and carts cannot traverse the rugged mountainside and each siege weapon requires 4 hours to assemble. A DC 18 Intelligence check allows the characters to come up with a reasonable plan to move the weapon to area 1 but it does not prevent the need to assemble it.
RANDOM EVENT d6 | Details |
1 | The magma chamber (area 2) momentarily increases its volcanic activity. The temperature in the dungeon rises to dangerous levels for 10 minutes. Creatures without magical resistance to heat take 2d8 damage (DC 15 Constitution). |
2 | Three shadows emerge from a nearby wall. The undead’s ephemeral appearance is of a humanoid shrouded in flames. |
3 | Two ashen wyrmlings are born from the lava in area 2. They fly to the characters’ location and attack. |
4 | The ruby dragon roars in the distance. NPCs with no adventuring experience accompanying the party may flee (DC 14 Wisdom). |
5 | Twelve valiant commoners arrive at area 1. They want to fight alongside the characters against the ruby dragon. |
6 | Four dragonkin (berserkers with scaled skin), heeding an arcane call to aid the ruby dragon, traveled from the forest around the Ironbark Catacombs to area 1. They hide until the ruby dragon fights the party (DC 14 Perception); then they help the dragon. |
1. The Fiery Entrance
An opening in the mountain, large enough for the ruby dragon to pass through, leads into the depths of Northcrest Mountain. A fiery glow comes from within, evidence of the magma chamber beyond it.
The raging heat of the magma in area 2 can be felt from here. This is where fire-protecting items or protective spells excel and do their job best. If the characters brought a siege scorpion up here, this is the only feasible place to assemble it because its wooden parts ignite if brought into area 2 for longer than 10 minutes.
- Draconic Tracks. The ruby dragon’s foot tracks lead in and out of the magma chamber but they disappear 20 feet from the entrance; it can be implied that the dragon takes flight at that point (DC 9 Intelligence). Careful observers notice that the right front leg’s footprints are different; a large circular mark takes the place of a digit. This mark is left by the Draconid Band (DC 12 Wisdom).
- The Coward. If Sir Wilhelm has come this far since the party left Queendell, the knight’s resolve falters when gazing into the fiery mountain portal. Unless stopped, the knight utters a petty excuse and runs in panic to the skirts of Northcrest Mountain. A character can vigorously shake the knight and offer inspiring words (DC 12 Persuasion). On a success, Sir Wilhelm stays resolute.
2. Magma Chamber
The short passage gives way to a grand chamber mostly covered with molten rock. On a rock platform, the ruby dragon stands by a raging brazier surrounded by two circles of pulsating runes. The dragon takes flight and leaves through the main vent above.
After spotting the party, the dragon leaves through the volcano’s main vent, hundreds of feet above. It returns here for the final confrontation with the characters (GM’s choice for the most appropriate moment).
- The Heat. Creatures take 1d3 damage per minute in this area. The Armor of Elandar nullifies this effect. The Blessing of Fire from the Temple of the Dragon God is useful against this effect too. Flammable objects catch fire after 10 minutes of exposure.
- The Runes. A spellcaster that inspects the runes for 10 minutes discovers that, as the ruby dragon takes more lives, the runes’ power increases. Soon, the runes shall cause Northcrest Mountain to explode; the volcano’s eruption would bring death to all in Leaf Valley.
- The Egg. If the characters place the cockatrice egg from the Temple of the Dragon God in the brazier, the ruby dragon becomes transfixed by it upon its return. The dragon mistakes it for a competitor’s egg. The characters can take advantage of this to surprise the dragon.