772 Saravenna

This adventuring supplement is designed for D&D5e. On out Patreon page you can get it in PDF format (see image). The downloads include hi-res images for the maps. And there is a variant PDF version designed for Shadowdark RPG.

“We must fight back, as our mariner’s blood has always taught so. We must reclaim our waters from the fish-folk filth. Come join the war effort with pride.”

Prince Arion Lunastra

The largest settlement in the Moon-touched Principalities sits on the inner side of the moon-crescent-shaped continental mass. Prince Arion Lunastra, often praised for his wisdom, rules most of the region with fairness. Life in the principalities is harsh like the ocean but a little less so in Saravenna. The city is surrounded by an octagonal, 20-foot-tall wall. A symmetrical, outward-bound arrange­ment of streets with the Palace of Moon Coral resembles the shining full moon. Sahuagin ravagers have attacked small settlements near Saravenna but due to its defen­sible position, the city has not been reached by the fish-folk raiders. Still, Prince Arion Lunastra places great importance on the safety of his subjects. Already the na­val forces issue edicts to arm the populace. Some are against this, pried away from their commonplace lives, the townsfolk wish there was any other alternative…

Level 1-2 Settlement

  • Special Events. Check for a Random Event in every other area the characters visit (3-in-6 chance).
  • Economy. Saravenna’s most profitable endeavors are fishing and craftsmanships fashioned from shells and coral. Blacksmiths craft incredible equipment, armor, and weaponry with the fine ores brought from mining settlements like Moonstone Valley and Turquoise Hill.
  • Belligerence. About three-quarters of the populace agree with Prince Arion’s warring attitude against the savage sahuagin. People clamor battle chants in the streets and do their best to create makeshift weapons by sharpening broomsticks and kitchen implements.
  • Pacifists. The rest of the people, the violence-averse, would rather weather the storm from behind the city’s tall walls. Some of them have even heard that Prince Daelin Solara, in Onyx Keep, wants a peaceful solution to the sahuagin problem. They would gladly join the Sun Prince and find the highly-sought peaceful answer.
 RANDOM EVENT d6 Details
1 Seven armed townsfolk (commoners) march, uttering their loyalty to Prince Arion and chanting for the death of sahuagin filth. They expect the characters to express their allegiance to the cause. They may be befriended (DC 16 Persuasion).
2 A caged sahuagin, captured in the ocean, is surrounded by a throng of peasants that throw tomatoes and dirt at it. The sahuagin roars and bares its teeth but shows no signs of high intelligence. It is slayed at nightfall by the royal executioner.
3 A storm hits the harbor with the strength of the sun and moon. It forces all townsfolk to seek refuge for 1d3 days.
4 A line of refugees from a southern town seeks shelter in Saravenna. Their town was destroyed by sahuagin ravagers.
5 Priests of the Chapel of Fire chant in a corner. They clamor for their god to deliver their souls to the afterlife.
6 Helping with the war effort, a commoner invites strong-looking individuals to visit the Adventurer’s Guild for information.

Library of the Sun and Moon

Characters looking for information and arcane knowl­edge can aspire to find it here. The curator, an elf schol­ar named Haarandel, gladly helps the party in exchange for a charitable contribution of 10 gp per day of research.

  • Planar Movements. After 3 days of research, the heroes learn of an astronomical event that triggered the re-emergence of the sahuagin’s goddess. The de­cade-long event occurs every 4,200 years and could be the reason for the sahuagin’s attacks. A storm to the east of Saravenna is the focal point of the extraplanar emer­gence; the source of the sahuagin’s inner rage.

Adventurer’s Guild

Led by the famous retired adventurer, Jarkenns, the Ad­venturer’s Guild is a hub for would-be adventurers and mercenaries. Jarkenns has declared the organization in favor of Prince Arion and now accepts the prince’s war commands as priority missions for the guild.

  • Admission. The characters must sign a contract stat­ing their loyalty to Prince Arion. Missions are compulso­ry once accepted. Abandoning a mission carries a pen­alty of 100 gp or death, in the case of outright betrayal.
  • The Green Claw. If the characters join, they are of­fered their first assignment: they must visit a shunned dungeon named the House of the Green Claw. It is said that a weapon with the power of the sea rests there. The compound is located in the mountains to the south.
  • The Spire. An infamous location for the guild mem­bers is the Tower of Many Doors. There are rumors of a magical artifact hidden there. There must also be a siz­able treasure therein. Sailors refuse to come close to it as a haunting melody assails the mind and the heart.

Amman’s Forge

Amman, the dwarf, is the most renowned blacksmith in Saravenna. Prince Arion and his court’s nobles commis­sion the most opulent sets of armor and blades from Am­man. He is most known for his technique of strength­ening obsidian stone to fashion blades from it. Prince Arion owns an obsidian greatsword that is considered Amman’s most fine creation. Characters can commis­sion equipment from Amman, including mithral armor.

Dan’s Lodge

Characters looking for passage through the Moon- Touched Principalities are told to charter a ship. Alas, Prince Arion has requisitioned most vessels and the only one available is owned by a retired mariner named Dan.

  • Back to Action. Dan (bandit) charges 3 gp per per­son, per day of sailing. Hearing the characters’ stories and motivations sparks an ember of adventure in him once again. The mariner and his four-man crew accom­pany the party in their quest to explore the principalities and find a way to deal with the dangerous sahuagin.

Pint of Snails

The largest tavern and inn in Saravenna welcomes sail­ors, adventurers, and low-lives alike. The characters can rent rooms and set their base of operations here if they choose not to sign up for the Adventurers’ Guild.

  • The Tomb. People speak of a scholarly expedition to a tomb across the mountain range. A hired guard was the only survivor but the traumatized man has said little of what happened in the fabled Tomb of Princes.
  • The Vault. A minstrel tells an ancient, author-less sto­ry that claims that the secrets of the gigantic storm are hidden in an elusive location, the Vault of Molten Stone. Legend has it that great power lies surrounded by deep canals of lava that power an arcane forge.

Monument Garden

Detailed statues of past princes, ministers, and brave warriors are arranged in this garden close to the city’s south gate. The royal sculptor, Lynna Skies, currently works on an unfinished sculpture of Prince Arion Lunas­tra, his wife, and their four teenage children.

Chapel of Fire

The only religion in the principalities is the Chapel of Fire. They worship the sun and attribute to it the cre­ation of the world and the fire that shall cleanse all sin from the world. Religious advocates favor Prince Arion’s push for hunting the sahuagin as the sun god rewards bravery and resolve; it shuns cowardice and capitulation.

  • The Hammer. The high priest, Wister Adelton, offers a hefty reward of 400 gp for brave warriors to explore the Vault of Molten Stone and retrieve the Magma Ham­mer said to be hidden therein. Wister Adelton claims this relic belongs to the Chapel of Fire.

Palace of Moon Choral

Surrounded by an inner wall, only the tallest towers can be seen from the city proper. The nobles are either indif­ferent to the sahuagin problem or on board with Prince Arion Lunastra’s efforts. They have little time for audi­ences with peasants and unimportant adventurers. The party must first earn some renown if they wish to be ac­cepted in the palace for a royal audience with the prince.

  • Alliance. Prince Arion wishes to send an envoy of diplomats to Onyx Keep to convince Prince Daelin to join the war effort. He sees his approach as absconding of his responsibilities to the townsfolk. A reward of 200 gp is offered to escort and protect the diplomats.
  • The Storm. An open call to renowned adventurers beckons them to scout the Endless Storm and find a way to deal with the sahuagin threat. Prince Arion Lunastra believes there must be a weakness to be exploited. The crown offers a reward of 2,000 gp for success.

Dealing with the Sahuagin

The quest to destroy the sahuagin is vague in nature. Other than open warfare in the ocean, there appear to be few options for dealing with this threat. But a few clues may point the characters in the right direction.

  • Exploring the House of the Green Claw awards the party with a mighty weapon that can be used against the sahuagin in future battles. If the characters have proven their worth, Prince Arion appoints the characters his champions and allows them to keep the Green Claw to further his goals.
  • Traveling to Onyx Keep allows the characters to explore an alternative to open warfare with the sahuagin. Prince Daelin believes there is a way to accelerate the astronomical event and allow the sahuagin to return to their normal patterns of ocean-folk behavior. All clues here point to the secrets hidden in the Vault of Molten Stone.
  • In the end, the true means to solve this problem lie in the Vault of Molten Stone. The knowledge and weapon acquired there allow the characters to either destroy the manifestation of the sahuagin goddess in the Endless Storm or provide a way to subdue and banish the strange deity so that the lives of countless sahuagin can be spared.

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