Hey, Traveler! This is the twelfth installment of the brochure adventure series. Following the same train of thought of the one-page dungeons, these are system-neutral and easy to adapt to any system.
In Curse of Pinegate, the heroes arrive in a town full of exhausted, jaded people. The villagers have suffered from a strange condition that fills their nights with horrible nightmares, thus making sleep an impossible task. Their lack of rest has turned the whole town into a stressed, angry mob.
The heroes must investigate fast to find the reason for this curse or the culprit. Sooner or later, they learn the source of evil is a trinket brought by an itinerary merchant a few weeks back. What they do with the artifact or the poor merchant is up to them.
Get it Here
What’s included:
- PDF files for easy handling. Prints on letter-sized paper
- Individual full-res of each sheet (Letter-size 300 DPI)
- Map variations: labeled, unlabeled (not shown in the brochure)
- Printer-friendly files included (black and white with a few elements in grayscale)